Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! Free and fresh from mom in law's garden. This is Roselle plant, which the calyx we used to make healthy syrup and taste just like ribena drink! Roselle is rich in powerful antioxidants , vitamins A, B and C. The calyx is use for treating urinary track infection, constipation, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels.. Using a knife or thumb,...
Location : Mil's Batu Gajah Perak Qurban means approaching as a word. Thereupon, sacrificing an animal means to sacrifice an animal out of the goods that Allah gave in order to approach Him and attain his pleasure and consent. Qurban is sacrifice. During raya haji, muslims performed livestock qurban that means the sacrifice of an animal slaughtered for the sake of Allah.Qurban is...
It is neither their blood nor their meat that reaches Allah. But it is piety from you that reaches Allah. ameenSelamat hari raya haji! Eid Adha Mubarak to all muslim readers!. . ...
Dh coming back tomorrow, and bed room has been thoroughly cleaned and tidied up! Only one problem, really sakit hati sakit mata. The bed sheet wrinkled like crazy and i hateeeeeeeeeeee it!!! What do these bedsheet manufacturers expect us to do? Iron the damn sheet? Right time to buy new bedsheet heeehee kan DH kan (blinking eyes) ...
We always ask this question. Often we don't even realize that happiness comes in many ways. Some of happiness comes from within, even when things don't appear to be going perfectly well outwardly, it is still possible to experience sincere happiness. It is our inner feeling that creates happiness, along with how we interpret the events of life. As for now, this is my happiness....
Some friends asked me, what software I've used to get hazy vintage effect like this photo Well, to be honest, i don't buy any of Photoshop product to edit all of my photos. Its all been done using a free software from Google. Picasa is a free program from Google that you can use to organize and edit your digital photographs. First You can obtain the latest version...
Before you can see the light... you have to deal with the darkness.. Good morning peeps! ;) Whats for breakfast? ...
Do good, people will forget. Do one thing wrong & they'll keep talking about it and they judge you 'till hell. I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. This poem by Mother Teresa ANYWAYby Mother TeresaPeople are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered... forgive them anyway If...
You might consider to buy this lens hehehe.. Now, picture yourself having coffee out of DSLR lens mug! Definitely this lens mug is a camera-geeks joy! How i wish it is SONY :D It’s so realistic, you might have to use post-its just to remind yourself which is your mug and which is your lens! To all photography geek out there, i might...
Wordless isn't? So lets pictures do the drooling ;p ...
I was asked by one of my friends to shoot cup cakes for her online cup cake business, and since I have been in the this Foodography journey, I readily agreed. P/s : it was a minimal charge, I actually offered her to do it for free, but she said kalau free next time segan nak minta u shoot.. hurm.. :D . ...
For those yang ikhlas mencari mengingati diri ini, minta maaf kerana deactivated my Facebook account, not forever, but for a while. We can still be friends kan. need my ctc number, you can email me at For those yang tak puas hati nak jugak investigate whether I still have Facebook acc dalam diam, kena block dgn I ke, wish you Good luck...
Assalamualaikum, Yes! I sleep with my laptop on, Lately I've been falling asleep watching Youtube movie, then waking up and continuing where I left off. Bad habit bad habit u'olss! On top of that, i also turn on my tab, just to play games, read online articles, pdf novels, and update my blog on my bed while talking on the phone with DH...
Been craving this for sooooo longggg!! ...
Assalamualaikum & morning, Dah lama tak ada masa baca buku. Lepas Fifty shades tu terus stop kejap. Kekangan kerja dan urusan family menjadi keutamaan sekarang. Kalau dulu nak baca, i make sure kena baca at least 4-5 pages before sleep. Now pantang nampak bantal :p Today, breakkie with oat porridge. Ramai yang cakap tak jemu ke makan oat, tak sedap la. hmm kadang...
Assalamualaikum, ni hao! zaoshang hao! :p I always eat cereal in the afternoon & night time, and i was wondering if it would be weird to sort of pack cereal for school. Tapau some of nestle fitness wholegrain cereal and non-fat powdered milk Not at all i guess, coz some kids here, just brings a small box of cereal and has it without milk hehehehe...
Assalamualaikum, Siapa cakap pergi kelas ni budak sekolah nak masuk darjah satu je yang takut? Yang dah besar badak tak masuk kelas sepuluh tahun ni pun takut taw hewhewhew cuak tak ingat.. Btw I noticed fashion trend youngsters nowadays depa suka pakai color terang terang mix mix with color yang sangaatttttt contraaa! Kalau dulu pakai mcm ni for sure lah kena chop orang...
This is what happen when cat plays monkey see monkey do hehehe Why do people say "chicken" to call someone a coward? I really can't see the relation Why don't they call them CAT ; like a cat that climbs a tree but too scared to come down. Yang tu lagi malu kan??? Just a thought :D ...
Dapat jumpa abg superman kat Toy Museum ni pun jadilah kot.. Tak pun bercamwhore tepi tasik .... .... while DH is fishing, dia layan reeling, I layan landscape setting kat DSLR je :p Dah lama juga tak jadi badak berendam ni.. :p Bosan betul asyik asyik tawaf site je.. Malam-malam tak boleh tidur, kena minum ni.. esok pagi coffe 2 cawan haih what...