
The powerful of Ego


Really can break someone's heart….

Have you noticed that recently my post is all about my sad and unhappiness. Anyway, i've deleted it :p. Or you haven’t noticed at all as you were amazed with the food photos here hehehehe

That’s life, I guess sometimes you're happy sometimes you frown  and hoping miracles happen and save you from this complicated things.

Its not that too complicated as this is just a friendship matter where its normal to have fight with your friends, but sometimes the most hurtful and painful is the silence from a friends without telling what is your mistake. 

When no word is the the cruelest and most hurtful word that a friend can say.. I don't understand what I've done wrong and yet he seems want to talk to everyone besides me. 

I've been in the same situation with him several times before (without no reason sometimes) but it all was end up I’m the one who always giving up. I always end up forgiving people even if they dont deserve it. He is the type of person who will ignore someone he hates, so I assumed, he must be hates me when he ignore me too.. and I don't know what I've done wrong. Nobody ever hates another person for no reason, there is always a reason!  I know i should ask him "What's your problem? Why do you hate me?", "Is there something I did to you for you to hate me?", " I have nothing against you, why are you doing this?." 

Yes! I wanna ask but sometimes people have their limit,  Sometimes you just got to know when enough is enough and let it go and move on .  

I have tried different approaches, but he dont seems  interested to talk to me. In Facebook he would rather talk to other people than talk to me . So I did the same thing, I refused to initiate conversation anymore. In fact I'm done initiating conversation with him. If he wants to talk to me he will start a conversation, say something to me. How long should I put up with this if it continues without a reason.  I know this could lead to serious problems but the damage had already been done!

I've gone through friendships broken few times before this, I've gone through the fire and I've been through the flood and I've been broken into pieces and thanks God, I survived. I don’t want this but I have no more heart. He and his ego which I think is higher than the KLCC tower…. I have ego too, but my ego is flexible, but I've done alter my ego for you. I've done on it!

I miss that feeling. The feeling you get when you have someone in your life you can tell things to. A person that you can tell all your hopes, dreams and aspirations. Knowing that they are truly listening. The feeling of a person who wants to talk to you, because you are you. The feeling of a friend. How does it feel to be unnoticed by the person you notice most :(

But sometimes you just have to make the decision to be happy. Just realize that things aren't ever what you hoped they'd be. Not ever. For anybody. The only thing that separates one kind of person from another is that there are some who stay angry about it and there are some who accept what comes their way.  I believes if someone seriously wants to be a part of your life, they will seriously make an effort to be in it.

As you go through life, you'll see there is so much more that we don't understand, and the only thing we know is things don't always go the way we planned. - The Lion King

Dear Friend, just remember that when nobody else was there for you, I was, and when nobody else gave a damn, I did!

P/S : He is not my husband. Dont get confused. Oh c'mon girls also have male BFF : D


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  1. I wonder what his problem is..maybe he has the hots for you? Kot jalah I tu, who knows maa! Jangan marah naa, it's just a guess. Yalah, hangen tak tentu pasai ja kawan tu, mana la tau kan.

    Anyway, I pray that this friend of yours will come to realize the error of his way & appreciate your friendship before he loses it completely. Berkawan2 dengan lelaki ni best tapi kekadang hangen dia mengalahkan pempuan. Sabaq jalah.

    P/S: Curahat is short for CURAhan HATi. Hehe.

  2. ENY ...

    Ada satu bidalan...(ingat2 lupa tp lebih kurang mcm ni..)
    "Jika saat ini kau memBENCI seseorang itu bermakna satu ketika dulu kau pernah menyintainya setengah mati.."..

    Mana la tau kan Eny, rupa2nya dia dulu ada syok ngn u....
    hehe.. sorry, just teka je. Jgn marah.. takyah la publish comment I ni kalau agak tak kena dgn keadaan yg sebenarnya..kang dia terbaca plak.

  3. huhuhu takpe lah. PMS kot? eh laki ek. hehe

    singgah dari segmen mak dara!
    sorry lambat!

  4. Hye salam .

    When i started reading yr entry, yesterday, i knew that this is the blog i will enjoy reading. it was a strange feeling as if, u r playing my song..[partly]

    Been there done that..!
    anyway, that's LIFE, my dear. Alwex end up meeting the wrong person .. b4 we were given the right one, we do learn a lot from these people.

    So All the best ;)
    - im new here and followed u :) TQ


  5. Maybe its just a communication breakdown. U feel and think he's avoiding you, and likewise, he also feels and thinks u r the one who's avoiding him.
    But you did mention that you also had this problem with him before, and in all ocassions, you were the one who initiated to talk to him again. That is actually humble and sincere of you.
    Playing a silent game between the two of you, wouldnt make any good, I guess. Perhaps, this time around, you should do a bit more, go a bit further. Why not you just send a message to him, asking him what actually makes him avoiding you. Maybe, by knowing the reasons, both of you could take the appropriate actions in order to mend the severed ties, once and for all.
    Just giving my part of views and suggestions. Perhaps, you and your other friends and readers here would have better suggestions.
    By the way, I really like when you quoted "I think his ego is higher than KLCC".
    All the best :)

  6. makes him avoiding you. Maybe, by knowing the reasons, both of you could take the appropriate actions in order to mend the severed ties, once and for all.
    Just giving my part of views and suggestions. Perhaps, you and your other friends and readers here would have better suggestions.
    By the way, I really like when you quoted "I think his ego is higher than KLCC".
    All the best :)

  7. Maybe its just a communication breakdown. U feel and think he's avoiding you, and likewise, he also feels and thinks u r the one who's avoiding him.
    But you did mention that you also had this problem with him before, and in all ocassions, you were the one who initiated to talk to him again. That is actually humble and sincere of you.
    Playing a silent game between the two of you, wouldnt make any good, I guess. Perhaps, this time around, you should do a bit more, go a bit further. Why not you just send a message to him, asking him what actually makes him avoiding you. Maybe, by knowing the reasons, both of you could take the appropriate actions in order to mend the severed ties, once and for all.
    Just giving my part of views and suggestions. Perhaps, you and your other friends and readers here would have better suggestions.
    By the way, I really like when you quoted "I think his ego is higher than KLCC".
    All the best :)


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