7 a.m site visit


It was 7 o'clock in the morning, its too early to start work, the bangladesh and indo worker pun tak  bangun lagi. :p. So i enjoy having my morning walk armed with my camera..  Working and having fun at the same time!

Actually I want to have sunrise shot but where got sunrise at 7 am plus the teribble haze! hewhewhew! 

So here are some of the photos i took.

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  1. The haze is starting to affect my mood & health..ditambah pulak dengan habuk kapoq di sekolah..sedih..

    By the way the location of the photos in my Janji Mentari post was Teluk Tempoyak, Penang :)

  2. wo! Ingatkan pakai filter tadi! Upanye haze! Perghhh... terbaekkk!
    My latest Entry :)
    Novel Review: Mustafa Kamal Ataturk

  3. Sayu hati I tengok gambar2 ni Eny.. teringat kenangan bersantai2 di sebuah kebun di Aussie yg penuh dgn bunga2 lalang yg cantik spt ini.

    Nt kalau Indo & Bangla worker tu dah bangun, snap plak muka diorang ye.. kekeke..


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