The holiday mood sets in, procrastination at work activated. Food.. it's what keeps me alive! My Mom's Petai Curry & Beef.. yumyum! ...
We share a similar taste from foods, clothes, handbags and shoes, colors, patterns... so similar, in fact, we sometimes buy matching clothes. :D Separated in age by 2 decades, she is my best friend, sister .. And she is my mom :D Also.. unpaid model for my ambient light portrait photography ;P For ambient light potraits tutorial, feel free to watch this...
Rare picture of dad, I found it inside an old hard disk. The photo taken somewhere in year 2010. He just don't like being photographed! That's my dad. When he saw me holding my camera, he quickly cover his face or turn away ... But this photo somehow is so special. He is thinking of something, while enjoying his picnic lunch, and he didnt know that I'm taking...
Sunday Night Fish Market at Jitra Kedah. I hate the sight of dead fish, so I stay away... ;) . ...
Now when I have Xperia Arc which performs a very good job in taking photo, I can only say, its hard for me to grab my Sony A290 ever since. I can't remember the last time I hold the camera... Finally today, I grab it from the dry cabinet, spend a minute, giving it quick cleaning, check the battery, ok still left 2...
Have a bunch of overripe bananas and day after day you watch them ripen and you know you won't be able to eat them all at once because 1 banana = 1 cup rice... die die! hahah. So the best thing is to freeze them, but its sound crazy to eat frozen banana, but not to frozen banana muffin. Most muffins freeze well...
Dont think of the few things you did not get from God after praying... Just think of countless things you got without praying.. It's call blessing! ...
Bear shaped brownies ;)) Bake a batch of brownies as you normally would and using a bear shaped cookie cutter, cut out the brownies. Too cute to eat heehee This is Mr Brownie, my snuggle partner. I just grab Mr Brownie and I cuddle it and force myself to sleep. I like to smell at the top of the head, the scents just never...
Less is more... A plate of Nasi Kerabu. The blue tinted rice, combined with fresh aromatic local herbs : basil, lemongrass, ginger torch buds and raw vegetables; bean sprouts, long green beans, shallots, cucumber, are combined together with strong flavored ingredients such as salted egg, fish crackers, fried beefs and sambal kelapa and budu. Boy, this is truly heaven! You can always accompany...
Life is like a plate of Rojak delightfully tossed but with varying degrees of taste and texture. Mixed together, spicy, sweet or sour, soft or hard. Thats life, makes us who we are. Enhance and make us stronger... Rojak Jitra Bus Station. . ...
Dedicated to the women and children of Gaza, who have been denied human rights, freedom and justice.. Distant light by Walid Khazindar, a poet born in Gaza City Harsh and coldautumn holds to it our naked trees:If only you would free, at least, the sparrowsfrom the tips of your fingersand release a smile, a small smilefrom the imprisoned cry I see.Sing! Can we...
Assalamualaikum and hi, been quite busy life in between Perak & Kedah.... Cinta hati di Perak, Kehidupan di Kedah. Quite stress actually, but bersyukur seadanya.. Will be attending a seminar tomorrow... and the class some more.. pray for the strength.. amin... “Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one”. ― Bruce Lee And the magical things to...
Assalamualaikum and Hi peeps!. how's your weekend going? We start our day today with this sinfully delicious brownies that uses basic ingredients and is easy and quick to fix. This simple brownie recipe couldn't get any easier! Andddddd... the photos of the brownies taken with Sony Xperia Arc S <- click for review ;D SIMPLE BROWNIES INGREDIENTS: 2 cups white sugar 1 cup butter 1/2 cup cocoa...
Camera phone is the only camera that most of us carry around with us most of the time. Sometimes when I feel lazy to carry my big bulky SONY, I always end up miss the best moment to capture. The problem with always carrying a DSLR is that its too fragile, bulky and inviting to thieves. I usually carry it when i'm not...