For recipe and story click HERE ...
Read the story HERE.. ...
Who needs a DSLR when Phone cameras are this good.. ...
Click HERE for recipe. ...
I'm sorry for not updating in a while, here's a picture of Pizza I made that day.... I'm sorry for not updating in a while, here's a picture of Pizza I made that day.... ...
Click HERE for recipe! One of the best places to photograph food is by a window where there is plenty of natural light. This daylight helps to keep the food looking much more natural. ...
I have no dedicated macro lens. Couldn't afford to buy one :D Last year, I bought an extension tube. With the sale was included a "Macro Extension Tube" cost only RM80. I don't know too much about the product, I'd thought if I connect it to my lens, I can get a good macro shot. The tubes have a top part, a bottom...
Food brings back lots of childhood memory ...They are the classics that just don’t fade... Biskut Biji Asam, I’m not sure what we called this biscuit in English. It had been ages since I last ate them! I had totally forgotten about this. I bought these all the time as a kid. My favorite childhood cookies. ...
The photos was taken at Ipoh. Last Merdeka Day, I dragged husband along with me to do some of the street photography at Ipoh Town. Kesian husband, he had to stop the car everywhere I want just to get my perfect shot. Transitioning back to reality after vacation is such a hard work!! What we call a Post Vacation Blues, I suppose.... ...
I’ve been experiencing all kinds of stress lately. I could only rely on two of them as my stress relievers. Walking and Photography.. Read : This Loneliness ...
Tajuk yang entah apa apa. :D. Tradisi. Ini kuih Karas. Pernah makan? Dah lama tak makan kuih ni. Dulu-dulu kuihnya bentuk semi bulat. Tapi sekarang bentuk square. Tapi rasa tetap sedap. bentuk mungkin diubah sebab lebih praktikal nak packaging, tak senang patah dan comel je :D. Ni mak mentua yang bagi.... Ni kuih moden ciptaan terbaru. Acu DH yang bagi sebalang untuk dibawa...
Kacang rebus beli di Pusing, Batu Gajah Perak, masa cuti raya lepas. Besar-besar, putih putih dan bersih bersih kacangnye. Rasa manis. DH belikan a kg for his wife ni yang gila kacang rebus. Perli apa kah? :D Lokasi : Across BHP Pusing, kedai Nyonya Jual Buah. ...
Having these two cuties is fun. But they require an enormous amount of care! Because they are still babies (about a month old) when we took them home. Two kittens is equal to a baby. From bottle feeding, introduction to solid foods to litter box training.... all the trouble is compensated by extreme pleasure looking them grow so fast sampai besar montel panjang....
Dulu-dulu nak sangat jadi interior designer. Bila kerja, diberi kepercayaan untuk buat interior show house. Mulanya tak yakin. Tapi sebab minat dan banyak membaca mengenai decoration ni... Maka untunglah boss saya dapat show house untuk new project yang cantik dan servis percuma pulak tu (T__T) Saya buat dari scratch. Frame gambar pun saya DIY sendiri. Dah banyak collection photo gambar bunga tu, print...
Rasanya memang failed lah bagi seorang photographer kalau tak tau apa apa tentang subjectnya. :DSetiap hari bila pergi kerja, selalu nampak bunga ni letak betul atas pagar jiran. Berkenaan. Hari tu on the way Tesco Stargate, nampak ada satu nursery susun banyak bunga ni, terus lah park kereta dan beli 2 pasu, satu merah dan kuning. Tapi lebih suka yang warna merah sebab...
Selamat Hari Raya!! Click HERE to read our raya story! ...
Allah created everything out of love, and therefore He loves what He has created. Subsequently He loves the believers even more intensely. Allah has created people in such a way that they enjoy being loved and loving others, and are pleased with friendships and closeness.. ;) The heart shaped leaf. Taken with Sony Xperia Arc. Vintage filter applied. To get this cool and...
To all Muslim readers, selamat berpuasa, May Allah bless us all during Ramadan, and throughout the year, with His forgiveness, mercy, and peace, and bring us all closer to Him and to each other.. The photos was taken 4 weeks ago at my mother in law's garden..... finally I managed to put up some of the photos here .. fewww masa sangatlah mencemburui...
You can gain more friends by being yourself than you can by putting up a front. You can gain more friends by building people up than you can by tearing them down. And you can gain more friends by taking a few minutes from each day to do something kind for someone, whether it be a friend or a complete stranger. What a...
Hi Peeps! Try to find the perfect time, perfect stories for my blog seems harder than ever. Anyway, I have so many photos in my stock to share with. Most of the photos was taken at my mother in law's kampung in Kg. Piandang Lama, Batu Gajah Perak. Had a good time at DH's family gathering last couple weeks ;). Some of the...
Does anyone have kitten that has an obsession with car keys??? An excuse I could make when I late at work. My cat hid my car keys! hehehehe That cute and innocent face just melt my heart right away every time I see them.... ...
Voglio la pasta!! Lets just hope the words i use is right!! :D ...
....wrapped in fur. hehehe My two new bundles of fur, we just got them last week. Its a gift from DH's friend. They are brothers from the same litter. This is Shade. He eats all the time and likes to sleep in his food bowl. He eats all he can, and sleep till he can eat again!! This is Mr. Grey. He is...
My birthday was about 2 weeks ago on the 26th May. I turned 30 yeayyy! Nothing for me to wish for. I just hope everyone is happy and healthy. Life was getting better the older I got. I'm a better person than I was yesterday. But I'm far from perfect. I still make mistakes and fail at times. Thank you, Allah, for giving...