Time flies so fast. It's last week of Ramadhan. I'm sure by now everyone is getting busy doing raya preparation. Oh btw, pls ignore the above pic, this entry isn't related to him. He's just too charming, and I'm just being nice to put his photo here :p As usual, we always practise moderation in celebrating raya. There will be no new furniture and table...
Be like the flower that gives its fragrance to even the hand that crushes it (Imam Ali A.s) ...
Obviously not typical chicken rice like we always eat... The inspiration comes from The Chicken Rice Shop radio ad – they keep saying.. The ayam percik Kelantan over and over again hehehe Ayam Percik is the Malaysian-styled barbequed chicken. Percik is directly translated as 'splash' due to as we barbeque the chicken, we splash or basting more marinade gravy onto the chicken to thicken...