Ooo I just found that I couldn't get myself away from my baby (my DSLR) even during puasa month. I am so tired to write.. so lets just photos do the talking :p ...
Aperture is referred to the lens diaphragm opening inside a photographic lens. The size of the diaphragm opening in a camera lens regulates amount of light passes through onto the camera the moment when the shutter curtain in camera opens during an exposure process. It very important in photographic element called "depth of field" The bigger the apertures used, the zone of sharpness...
ISO is fundamentally the sensitivity at which your cameras sensor reacts to the light when you open the shutter. ISO is measured in a scale (On standard digital cameras) called ISO. ISO is the number indicating a digital camera sensors sensitivity to light, the higher the sensitivity, the less light is needed to make an exposure. But the problem when using high ISO...