
Recipe : Muah Chee


Muah Chee - Muay Chee (mochi) is steamed, sticky dough made from glutinous flour, it is gooey and cut into small pieces and coated with finely crushed peanuts and sugar. It's usually selling at a dollar a serve. I couldn't find any Halal muah chee in Kedah, but at Ipoh Perak (DH's hometown), there are chinese muslim hawkers selling this snack everywhere. Have always wanted to try to make this and when I saw this Muah Chee recipe from one of the cooking website, I gave it a go. The ingredients and method is fairly simple especially when you can cheat skip the process by using microwave. I roasted the peanut myself (using microwave oven too), so it was really fresh and fragrant.

Overall, my muah chee turned out not bad and I was pretty pleased.

The recipe goes like this...
1 cup glutinous rice flour
1 1/2 cup water
1-2tsb shallot oil

1 cup peanut, roasted and ground finely
50gm sugar - depend on your taste,  you can add little by little until you reach your desired sweetness.

Fried 1 shallot with 1-2 tsp oil until brown. let it cool and set aside.

Whisk together flour , water and shallot oil. The texture should be runny and soupy.

Pour the mixture in a microwave save bowl and microwave on high for about 7 minutes

The cooked dough should be like this, soft and goey.

Using kitchen scissor, cut into small pieces and drop into  peanut/sugar mixture

But the easy way is to remove the big piece of the dough from bowl, and plock into peanut/sugar mixture

Simply roll it in sugar/peanut mixture.

 And cut into small pieces using scissor. And roll them again

There you go... tataraaaa.. it took less than 30 minutes to prepare this snack.

Enjoy while it still warm. :)

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  1. I do like muah chee tapi kalau nak makan memang nak kena buat sendiri sebab susah bebenor nak cari yg halal. Dulu ada satu makcik ni buat, peh tu dia pindah so takdak lagi dah. Tapi kekadang takut tercekik bila makan muah chee ni, akak kan gelojoh makan, kahkah!

  2. I rasa I tak pernah dengar dan tak pernah makan, mujur you tuliskan entry tentangnya Eny, thanks. Nampak sedap dgn salutan kacang, pasti akan dicuba 1 ari nt.

  3. wow,its must delicious right.
    thanks god i'm fasting now.hehehe

    thanks for sharing a good recipe here =)

  4. thanks Eny for this recipe!! dah lupe ttg muah chee yg sgt fav ms zmn skolah rendah dl..tetibe td teringat trus google, tjumpa blog uu :) *sgt bahagia* xsbr nk try!


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